Saturday 10 October 2009

A revamp for the sockimals page!

The sockimals blog commitee have decided to change the way we do things here! The sockimals want to be able to showcase fav crafters and ask them questions. they want to post about there life and the things they care about. they also want there maker to have a voice too (asuch a kind thoughtful bunch) Leader Lafayette has stated that major changes are afoot. so lookout for more fun and laughter with a few serious pieces sprinkled in for good measure. We are currently looking for crafters for the sockimals to interview so if you are interested join up and leave a comment and a place to reach you on. there are lots of sockimals dying to have go! but you must
Lafayette and his sidekick Ollie!
be prepaired to awnser any question each sockimal asks you. We wish all are followers well and hope to recruit more soon! x